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How to NOT get your time wasted

Now you may have read the title of this post and assumed that this was all going to be about how to not get played in a relationship... You aren't completely wrong. However,  the guidelines mentioned can really be implemented in every area of your life to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Photographed by: Vincent Marc

Now to start off, let me just state that every situation is unique and everyone is different in how they handle the situations  life throws their way. Also keep in mind everyday is a new day and you may or may not always be in your best mood...  considering this, outcomes are variable. That being said these are some ways I conserve my energy in dealing with people

  • First rule of thumb to not wasting my time ; ONLY do what I want.

I Know.... It seems slightly far fetched considering the society we live in and the fact that we as human beings thrive off attention and validation. Yet if you think about it, its literally the base of all the suggestions I'm going to mention and honestly the easiest one to implement. If you don't want to do something... DON'T do it. If it doesn't sit right with you, or wont make you happy why should you?? Life is too short to be miserable because of illusory obligations.  Now.. I'm not saying never make progress in your life, but please remember there is a difference between being responsible / handling your basic needs and staying in a stagnant position / relationship because of comfort.

  • The second guideline to preserving your energy ; Let people do what THEY want.

So this is one of those guidelines that I personally have a hard time with on the daily.. I am a bit of a control freak. I like things to be done when I want them done and how I want them done.  I like to force situations based on how I feel. I can even admit to being slightly inconsiderate at times. However, life is unpredictable. People are unreliable and plans don't always get executed the way you want them to.  A million pounds of stress can be removed from your life when in combination with the first guideline, you let people move how they want to move and you deal with them accordingly..  This literally works for every situation under the sun. Fuckboys included. Remember words are fickle , actions are what you should be focused on ..

This ALSO means taking responsibility for yourself and realizing what boundaries you are unwilling to part with. Tying right into the third and final guideline...


This can not , I repeat CAN NOT be stressed enough... worry about yourself. Focus on you at All times. Are you happy? Are you drinking enough water daily? Are you eating well? Do you sleep well at night? Are you comfortable with your living situation? Are you content with how much income you receive? Are you content with how you receive it? Are you safe? Are you healthy? Mentally, Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally? These are questions you need to be asking yourself on the daily and answering truthfully. Whether or not you're single, attempting to date, dating multiple people or in a committed relationship with the love of your life, your first priority should always be yourself... 

You're the only you , you're ever gonna get. There are no redo's in life, so no matter what your situation is , you should always be willing to sacrifice external pleasures and or hardships for the well being of yourself.

When you start entertaining someones energy for the first time and they seem really flaky or standoffish. Don't take it personally.. reclaim your time and space by focusing on yourself 1000%. You never know whats going on in another persons world yet the other side of that coin is, we make time for the things we want to make time for. If that person really wants to be around they'll show you. There wont be a doubt in your mind. 

You don't have to force anything that's meant to be in life. Things will either fall into place or fall apart until you've fell through your breaking point and into your breakthrough.